Learning Objective:
.Discovering a male physicality for a soldier,switching from female to male
.Create a refined opening representing the munitions factory in WW1
Wax on,Wax off/Jacket on,Jacket off
Todays workshop was lead by Rachel an Ex Brit student who graduated and trained at a school in Paris.Task one was to get our jackets and put them on then take them off again,this automatically reminded me of 'karate kid' where the student is asked several times to take his jacket off,put it on the floor,hang it up and put on and this is done repeatedly however the reason behind it was to teach karate how to defend himself.
watch from 2mins10secs
From relating it 'Karate Kid' i already had high expectations our what this was for.
From this exercises i began to acknowledge and analyse how i put my jacket on and take it off because on an everyday basis you don't realise this.
Below is a step by step guide on how to put a jacket on Leanne Style.(demonstration from a long tartan jacket)
Step1: pick the jacket up from any point
Step2: If picked up with left hand first,give the left lapel of the jacket to the right hand.
Step3: Feed left arm into the left arm hole.leading with right arm to guide it.
Step4: Reach right arm behind your back while holding the left lapel with your left arm to keep it steady.
Step5: Slip right arm through the right arm hole,while slightly bending to the left.
Step 6: Place both hands on the collar/lapel to adjust the jacket so you look fabulous.
When taking my jacket off i do the reverse.
It's amazing how many steps there is to simply put on jacket and it's also interesting to think that when you first learnt how to put on a jacket it was probably different from how you put on a jacket now.
Part 2
The next part of this exercise was to experiment with putting on your jacket in different ways by for example changing the way you pick it up or the speed you do it at and also how you put it on.
To help me with this i imagined how a very posh lady with with a high status would put on a jacket.I felt that if she didn't have someone to help put on her jacket she would put it on the same way as me accept at a slower,more elegant pace without slightly bending to one side.She would also pick up the jacket from the centre of the collar.
(This is the photo similar to what was on my mind at the time)
I then imagined that i was i celebrity like Kim Kardashian simply going out with my husband Kanye for a meal in New York in 'Per Se' but of course i have to look good just in case of paparazzi.
To get the look of the photo above i simply,swigged the coat with both hands to my left side then leading with my right hand on the right side of the coat and my left hand on the left side of the coat,slide it across my my shoulders and back ,making sure it falls evenly on both shoulders.I think this look would only be used when wearing a jacket for show to look good not for warmth.
Part 3
The next part of the exercise was how would i put on my jacket if i was cold.
For this i used some aspects of emotional memory which we learnt about studying Stanislavsky.I tried to think back to the times when i was freezing cold and i put my jacket on.Using this scenario i picked up my jacket and put it on quicker with a staccato movement as i was reacting to the cold.I also lowered my head,bring my chin to my chest and i folded my arms tightly across my stomach.
part 4
Next we were given the scenario that we were soldiers and we are putting on our uniform. As i was a solider and i thought that my uniform was something i honoured and wear respectfully and it carries depth and meaning.To reflect this when picking it up i made sure not to crumple it between my fingers and picked it up from the centre of the collar.After this i made sure to smooth it out and pick off any little specks of dirt.I then put it on the same way i usually do which i mentioned in part one of the task,accept with more caution and at a rather slow speed,fixing it along the way.Though this exercise was about how i put the coat as i solider, i also changed the way my face looked,giving a more neutral yet vigilant look.I felt as if i carried status.
This exercise was the basics of getting into the mindset of a soldier.From this exercise i was able to adapt the way i put on a coat for how a soldier would put on a coat.This was an introduction for switching from female to male.
How to be a Man
This exercise was lead by the discussion of a mans physical appearance and the qualities.
What was gathered?
.They have big feet
.they have large hands
.rather muscular-meaning usually they are stronger than girls
.They have a penis-This explains why they don't close their legs
.They grow alot of facial hair
Doing this helped me understand why men do certain things for example i have a friend who can't dangle his arms beside his side instead his arms go out like a penguins and that's because he's muscular in the arms.I think men take great pride in muscle.
How do men walk?
The next exercise was to be able to walk like a man,i made sure to keep in perspective the qualities of a man and let that impact how i walked,jogged and ran.I imagine myself as a man to look the mix of the two pictures below.
I personally think how some girls like to flaunt their boobs and show how big their bum is to impress someone;guys do the same except through muscle like a 'Hench' body with muscular arms and a six pack.Both sexes have their pride ad Joy which attracts people.
How do men sit?
This task was a great way to create and develop my soldier. Even though the soldier i imagined myself to be in the workshop is different from the type i will be in play,i can develop what ive learnt to adapt my character Lieutenant Bardolph. I've taken simple characteristics such as how i would swipe my nose with my hand or itch it.These represent my character as Bardolph is known to have a large nose which looks disgusting and inflamed.
What was gathered?
.They have big feet
.they have large hands
.rather muscular-meaning usually they are stronger than girls
.They have a penis-This explains why they don't close their legs
.They grow alot of facial hair
Doing this helped me understand why men do certain things for example i have a friend who can't dangle his arms beside his side instead his arms go out like a penguins and that's because he's muscular in the arms.I think men take great pride in muscle.
How do men walk?
The next exercise was to be able to walk like a man,i made sure to keep in perspective the qualities of a man and let that impact how i walked,jogged and ran.I imagine myself as a man to look the mix of the two pictures below.
I personally think how some girls like to flaunt their boobs and show how big their bum is to impress someone;guys do the same except through muscle like a 'Hench' body with muscular arms and a six pack.Both sexes have their pride ad Joy which attracts people.
How do men sit?
This task was a great way to create and develop my soldier. Even though the soldier i imagined myself to be in the workshop is different from the type i will be in play,i can develop what ive learnt to adapt my character Lieutenant Bardolph. I've taken simple characteristics such as how i would swipe my nose with my hand or itch it.These represent my character as Bardolph is known to have a large nose which looks disgusting and inflamed.
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